AWS goodies

Categories: aws


A collection of snippets and scripts to be used against the Amazon Web Services to ease management of servers.


All snippets and scripts are provided as is and I provide no guarantee that they won’t destroy your environment. They work on my machine™.

All snippets and scripts assume you have a working installation of the aws-cli and have setup your credentials properly.

Most scripts also use the fantastic jq tool.

How to generate a new key-pair and save it into ~/.ssh

The export line is optional, if you don’t use it, simply replace $name with the name you want.

The chmod line is also optional, but strongly recommended, since SSH will complain if the key is readable to the world.

export name=the-name-you-want

aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name $name | \
jq ".KeyMaterial" --raw-output > ~/.ssh/$name.pem

chmod 0400 ~/.ssh/$name.pem

How to get the stack status from CloudFormation

This snippet is useful in scripts to determine when a stack has reached a certain status. Can be used to wait for a UPDATE_COMPLETED before running other commands, like Ansible playbooks.

The export line is optional, if you don’t use it, simply replace $name with the name you want.

export name=your-stack-name

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name $name | \
jq ".Stacks[0].StackStatus" --raw-output

How to sync a local folder with a remote S3 folder

aws s3 sync my-folder s3://my-bucket/my-folder